What we do ?
We help you make the most of our abundant resources right here in Trinidad and Tobago. Your underutilized land estates can create value using tried and trusted methods and approaches. Partner with us by following the simple 5 step process below.
How it works
Contact us for a free site assessment
Provide deed or proof of ownership/rights.
REM provides project plans tailored for your site.
You make the selection out of the proposals and establish terms of payment.
Partner with REM ltd through a contractual agreement.
Animal husbandry
REM Ltd. can provide breeding and management of animal stocks in addition to day-to-day care (eg. poultry and small ruminants). We will also use digital platforms and farmers markets to achieve optimal sales for meat, eggs, and manure.
Culturing of plants using supports and liquid media without soil is a proven strategy for avoiding many pests. Hydroponics can improve the utilization of land space as well as reduce the need for fertilizers and pesticides. REM ltd can design and manage an entire hydroponics system indoor or outdoor, providing customers with sufficient crops to meet their own needs as well as to market/distribute.
Customers can utilize their estates to create sustainable food sources through management of fish stocks. This particular usage scenario envisages management of the fish from fry all the way to market. Low capital investment is required and a steady stream of income can be generated quickly due to the high demand for protein sources.
Sustainable techniques such as crop rotation and intercropping are used alongside more modern permaculture techniques which include an optimized mixture of short crops and tree crops. Not only does REM do the dirty work, but we also take these products to market for the estate owner, through our distribution streams.
Eco lodging
Properties with an intrinsic beauty are poised to be the sites for eco-lodges which utilize the scenery and ambiance allowing visitors to enjoy the peace and quiet of nature whilst staying in balance with the environment. REM ltd will upkeep the premises and market the facility through online platforms.
Venue rental
Landscaping, maintenance and management of the property to facilitate the hosting of a variety of events e.g. corporate events, weddings, birthday parties, retreats.
In addition to beautifying properties, commercial production of local timber. e.g. Teak, Mahogany, Pine, can serve as a long term investment which can reap rewards magnitudes higher than can be achieved in a bank. REM ltd has developed technology to monitor and track your investments which keeps clients and investors in the loop at all times. Another advantage is that this land use can be partnered with other options for a mixture of short and long term rewards.
Design and development of facilities for recreational use such as Bike Trails, Zip Lines, Paint Ball or off-road vehicles e.g. ATV, dirt bikes. Future state may include the design of tracks for multi seat automotive vehicles to participate in true off roading excursions ;-)